Vera T: What do you think of my beloved Eric now?
It has been a few months since I told you about my foster Eric having the dreaded skin disease, penpheious. but I didn’t tell you that he was adopted by the best dermitologist vet on this earth and since then he is totally cured and no longer comes to the clinic everyday. He stays home so he can boss the other big dogs that belong to Dr. werner. Eric had many mirales in his corner but the best one of all was his becoming one of Dr.Werner's pets. I know Eric had a very merry Christmas and everyday I ask god to give Doc. Werner and our Rescue group, life4paws many blessings for all they do for worthy animals.
I miss eric but since eric left, I took in 6 more dogs that were bailed out from the Cammeraillo shelter that were supposed to go to New york to a no kill shelter. Unfortunately no money for that to happen. There was a total of 13 and our Rescue,Life4Paws took them all. Some had health issues and were taken care of by the Rescue. Now all but three have been adopted.

My Beloved Eric
Eric was bailed out of Camarillo Animal Shelter in 2009. We first thought he had been in a fight with another dog because of the condition of his face. It was all torn and oozing. I took him to foster anyway. But soon I realized this little guy had major problems. He had what appeared to be a tumor coming out of his left ear. The Veterinarian we normally use wanted a huge amount to operate on Eric's ear.
I asked another girl who also rescues about her veterinarian and how much he would charge us. He agreed upon $650.00.
Eric had to stay at the vet's after his operation for about three weeks. But the problem was much bigger than we ever realized. I decided to take him to a dermatologist. It turned out his problem was a very rare and very hard to treat disease called pemphigus.
Eric came back to me and was put on all kinds of medication. Plus a bath every other day.But nothing was working.We found another Vet.who said he would fix the problem for $800.00. So once again with our heart and our hope we went ahead. Once again no progress.
Eric was with me for six months then with a cone around his neck so that he would not bleed to death. In spite of all of his misery he ate very well and he even played with the other dogs. He was such a special little guy loved by everyone who came across him. All the vets who treated him fell in love with him. What a horrific situation for this little guy whose quality of life was just not good.
Finally,the President of our rescue group came to my house to talk about Eric.She wanted me to allow Eric to be eutahnized. Words cannot describe my heart when I heard those words. I lost it. I cried so much and I wanted to die in his place. But reality and the fact that our hearts are always larger than our resources. I agreed.
But fate said no. When she took the little boy to the vet to put him down.The vet who happened to be a lady said no. That we should put Eric on a new road and try holistic medicine as well as western.
Again he came back to me.I started him on all of his medicine and had to literally track down the kind of food he must eat.(very expensive) I was determined and I did find it and day by day his hair started to grow back.
But there was still that problem with his ear. Not a small problem.
His ear was full of clusters and the vet said those must be removed so we paid another $700.00.
Back again to my home but suddenly we found someone who wanted to adopt him. A forever home for this deserving little boy. Still something is in the path and that is, another surgury which is to be done by a certified surgeon which will cost $3000.00 that we do not have.
Eric has been thru so much hell and finally he has a home and we just cannot let him down now.He deserves a life of love and without pain. Could you please give us a hand? Even the smallest amount will help and it is tax deductible. The pay pal button is at the end of this article. God bless you and thank you. Vera T.(from California)
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