Saturday 29 May 2010

Elderly and Dogs...the final parallel

Death panels for humans? To anyone who thought that was just hilarious...I have something for you to think about. What would cause there to be death panels? Too many patients and not enough doctors.Too much illness and not enough resources or hospitals. No room at the Inn? Hypocrites. So now we have a parallel here. Death Panels have always existed for dogs. They must adhere to those standards that are just unreasonable or they don't get to live. Someone decides who must live and who must die. Hypocrites. Thus far,dogs and humans did not suffer the same treatment. But just wait.....

Dogs cannot choose. They are at the will, mercy,and hands of sometimes fools. And sometimes those fools are the very people who are helping them. Take for instance those strict standards adopted by some shelters in their effort to prepare an animal for adoption. Some rules one would never impose upon a human who has the ability to think for themselves and/or the ability to understand a certain behavior must be hidden,abandoned for their own sake and well being. But if there was a person who is very old,very sick and at the mercy of others, it wouldn't matter how much they understood because they just couldn't change their circumstances. That puts them in the same category as a dog who does not understand some of their behavior will send them to the death panel.

Let's take just one example of what will send a dog to the death chamber at most shelters or rescue groups. Food aggression. How could a dog that has been starved, beaten and probably never saw a bowl of food just for him/her, be blamed for defending it? This, I believe is just the most stupid of all the reasons and there are many for not allowing an otherwise great animal to find a home. I would like to hear your thoughts. And you can post them at the bottom of this post. Meanwhile, more on this at this site:
(and of course there are the ones who defend this)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. We hold dogs to higher standards and expect out of them something humans could never deliver. I'd growl to if someone was taking my food and I'd been hungry.
