We all know dogs can't talk don't we? Well,maybe all they need is an interpreter and this letter is interpreted for our boy Bently,by his new Mom. Bently has found a forever home.Thanks to the untiring work of Mary Ellen Tidwell.She is certainly sent from God to help those that cannot help themselves. Thank you Mary Ellen.
Dear Stepmom,Mary Ellen: I figured I'd drop you a line and let you know how I'm doing. I got to my new forever home Sat. morning after the drive from Whitehall. My Mom and Dad said "I must be the one" on the drive home. I can't read, but they were following a semi-truck on the turnpike and it said "Bentley Transport"and my Mom said that was a "sign"....We stopped by Aunt Cynthias' house to meet her. She was thrilled to meet me and said I'd fit right in with my new family. She and my Mom took me for a short walk down by the lake, when they weren't looking I found some stuff called "goose poop" and rolled right in it! I don't know about you humans but I thought I smelled pretty good! Dad said I'd be gettin a bath when I got home. Anyway I got home and met my sister Sasha and brother Fez. I'm not quite sure what to make of them, they're old......we all exchanged sniffs and wags, then the two of them talked with my parents and decided it would be okay for me to stay. I wanted to show them how fast I can run so I grabbed my rawhide bone that Aunt Robin and Lisa left for me and I raced all around the house like 9 times in a row....they weren't really impressed, so I peed on the kitchen island, that sure got mom and dads attention!!! But they said it was to be expected moving into a new home and all....Anyway Sasha and Fez have been showing me the routine about doing my business outside and I'm gettin the hang of that now.Yesterday we took my Mom to the beach to celebrate her birthday, the family said something about it being a "tradition". I don't think I have seen the ocean before but I thought it was really cool. Sasha and Fez take walks with Mom and Dad. They can't go too far because like I said, they're old...so when they get tired Dad turns around and takes them home and I continue on with my Mom. All of us walk to at least the horse farm and stop and feed them carrots and then we all get treats! It's the best! I am not sure what to make of them horses, so I sit and observe them with my tail wagging. My Mom and Dad said I'm remarkably focused for such a young dog. HELLO!!! I'm a terrier... Next week I am going to meet another Aunt, Kathy. She does something called agility training and my parents think this would be good for me since we all know that terriers need a job to do. I am a great watchdog and let anyone know who comes to the door that "this is our house"! My Dad is thrilled that I have a real bark and I am not a yapper. Like I said I'm all business. Well, my paws are kinda tired now so I'm going to take nap. Thank you all for taking such good care of me and making sure I got a good home. I attached some pictures so you can see my new family. Love to all, Bently xoxoxo
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