President Obama Praises Michael Vick; PETA Agrees

A US soldier is seen stroking a stray dog, which have multiplied since the US invasion. In 2008, when the canine bombs were found, Baghdad started to cull dog packs. By 2010 there were over 1m strays and officials sent out sharp shooters to cull them...
A cargo plane was targeted by terrorists who loaded two dogs up with explosives on a flight from Baghdad International Airport to Los Angeles. The dogs were discovered in a freight area at Baghdad airport, but because they were dead, they were never loaded aboard the plane.
What's next? Kids? By the by, infidels knew of the plot two years ago, but covered for the Muslim terrorists and kept it secret.
Unbelievable. It must have been difficult for the Muslims stuffing the dogs with the bombs and detonators, considering how they loathe dogs. They sacrifices they make for jihad.........
The sick Islamic terrorist plot to bomb a U.S. plane with exploding DOGS Daily Mail (hat trip Petrov)Sick Islamic terrorists tried to bring down a US cargo plane using two exploding DOGS, it was revealed today.The Kamikaze canines - whose stomach had been stuffed with bombs and detonators - were discovered at Baghdad airport two years ago, French daily Le Figaro said.They had been primed to explode in mid-flight, but were never loaded aboard the aircraft because freight handlers spotted both dogs had died in their cages.A cargo plane was targeted by terrorist who loaded two dogs up with explosives on a flight from Baghdad International Airport, formerly named Saddam International Airport, to Los Angeles
Post mortem examinations on the animals uncovered explosives and detonators set to go off several hours into the flight from the Iraqi capital to Los Angeles, Le Figaro said.
The paper learned the information from a US military source earlier this week, it said.
The horrifying revelations come after one of two bombs sent from Yemen concealed inside printer ink cartridges was discovered at Britain’s East Midlands airport last week.
France’s interior ministry claimed the device was defused just 17 minutes before it was due to explode.
The shock discovery of the live animal bombs two years ago was investigated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation at the time and airlines and cargo flight operators were immediately alerted to risk of exploding pets, Le Figaro said.
The paper added: 'This discovery was made two years ago but kept secret from the public.
'The dogs were discovered in a freight area at Baghdad airport, but because they were dead, they were never loaded aboard the plane.'
For detailed info on this story go to Atlas
gruesome Halloween mystery came to a Miami neighborhood Thursday morning when residents awoke to find dozens of dead, headless animals dumped down their street.
About a dozen goats, cats and different types of birds were laid out on nearly two blocks between 16th Terrace and 15th Terrace on 34th Avenue in Miami, leaving residents scared at what might be next as Halloween approaches.
"Nothing had a head," said Marioly Perez, who was awakened by screeching tires as a car peeled out down the street. "I have never seen anything like this. It's scary."
Miami Police believe the dead animals might have been part of a religious ritual like a Santeria, but those don't usually involve cats. There was also a "very large" animal that no one could identify, residents said.
It all started when something went bump in the night outside. A loud boom woke residents and the sounds of a fast-moving car caused them to come outside.
When they walked out, the scene resembled something from a nightmare - a trail of headless animals with body parts strewn everywhere.
Perez said the smell was suffocating and that it seemed like the animals had been dead for some time.
"We all love animals here. This is very, very depressing. You don't know what kind of crazy people are around your neighborhood," resident Josefine Pita said. "It's very, very scary because you don't know if they are going to steal your animal."
The City's Sanitation Department cleared away the animal carcasses, while the Fire Department hosed down the Street. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Miami Police Department or call Crimestoppers at 305-471-TIPS.
The Horton Plains slender loris (Loris tardigradus nycticeboides) was thought to be extinct. Between 1939 and 2002, no one spotted the animal. In 2002 someone reported a possible sighting, but didn’t get any pictures.
The 2002 report inspired the Zoological Society of London and a team of Sri Lankan researchers to launch an effort to find the 8-inch-long primate.
After 200 hours of searching, they captured the first ever pictures of the creature, which were released Monday.
“The discovery improves our knowledge of this species, but we need to focus our efforts on the conservation and restoration of the remaining montane forest where this species still exists,” conservation biologist Dr. Craig Turner of the Zoological Society of London said in a press release. “Currently this accounts for less than 1 percent of the land area of Sri Lanka.”
Puppy you helped me get thru rescue!
Sorry I don't remember your first name off hand, but I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for the lovely puppy you helped me adopt thru the save a pet-crossing paths rescue! It was in January of 2008 that we were approved for Petunia, formely "Violet" on Petfinder. I have some videos of Her on youtube under my screenname:
hope you enjoy them and thanks again for a lovely Coonhound!
Mary W.
"I just know there's something out there for me to get! And make no mistake I will get it for I am a Southern born coonhound! LEMMA AT UM!"
Regional lawmakers voted 68 to 55 for the ban, the speaker of the assembly said. The bill was the result of a popular initiative backed by 180,000 signatures, according to the Prou platform behind the initial campaign.
“Toreros” have fought half-ton bulls to the death in public arenas for centuries, inspiring writers including Ernest Hemingway. Opposition to the tradition has been growing in recent years, with a third of Spaniards favoring a bullfight ban, rising to a majority among those aged 18 to 29, according to a poll for El Mundo newspaper in 2007.
The number of bulls taken on in 2009 fell to 4,436 from 6,396 in 2003, according to data from the Interior Ministry. Catalans are less interested in bullfighting than many of their compatriots as 106 bulls faced the matador’s sword in the region last year, compared with more than 1,000 in Andalucia and almost 800 in Madrid.
The vote comes as Catalonia is battling Spanish institutions over its identity and two weeks after tens of thousands of people marched in Barcelona for the right to call the autonomous region a “nation.”
Animal Protection
“The reality, and you know it, is that for some political groups it’s not about animal protection,” Albert Rivera, of the Mixed Group said in the parliamentary debate before the vote. “You want to eliminate everything that reminds us that Catalonia forms part of Spain.”
Supporters of the bill say it’s not part of Catalonia’s bid for greater autonomy. Josep Rull, a regional lawmaker for Convergencia i Unio, said the law is about ending cruelty to animals and would make Catalonia more European than the rest of Spain. CiU allowed its lawmakers to decide individually how to vote.
“As a nation we will take a step forward and that gives us a certain pride,” he said in a telephone interview yesterday. “A majority in Catalonia has values that are shared with the rest of Europe.”
The Canary Islands banned bullfighting in 1991 as part of a wider law that aimed to protect domestic animals, singling out a ban on dog fights and the phasing out of cock fights.
To contact the reporter on this story: Emma Ross-Thomas in Madrid at
I'm opposed to the killing of bulls - animals should not be killed in the name of human entertainment. In the 21st century, bullfighting should be confined to the history books."- Dalai Lama