COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio zoo is ready to show off its newest additions — a trio of lion cubs.
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium said that beginning Tuesday Kitambi (ki-TAHM'-bee) and his two sisters, Adia (AH'-dee-uh) and Mekita (meh-KEE'-tuh), were allowed to roam in an outdoor habitat.
The cubs were born Sept. 22 to first-time mother Asali (uh-SAH'-lee) and were the first African lion cubs born at the zoo in nearly a quarter century. Their father Tomo also lives at the zoo.
Kitambi was named by zoo staff, using the Swahili word for "pride" to reflect the cub's take-charge personality. The names for the two females came from winners of a name-the-cubs fundraising auction.
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