Sunday 16 September 2012

Sex abusers...Animal abusers..all despicable.

Animal abusers in N.Y. may have to register like sex offenders

New York City could become the largest jurisdiction to establish a registry for animal abusers, similar to the ones for sex offenders, if it approves a law prompted by a man who threw his dog out of a third-story window.
The measure introduced in the City Council this week would require convicted animal abusers to provide their names, home addresses and photographs for an online registry, available to animal shelters and pet shops. The abusers would be barred from owning animals. 
“We want to keep defenseless animals out of the hands of known abusers,” said the measure’s chief sponsor, Councilman Peter F. Vallone Jr.  The bill comes after a 30-year-old Queens, N.Y., man killed his pet Shar-Pei last year by throwing it out of his third-floor window.  The man was sentenced to 364 days in jail and barred from owning an animal for three years.
Three New York counties--Suffolk, Albany and Rockland--have established animal abuse registries. Registry bills have been introduced in nine states this year, according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

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