THIS MADE THEM ACT ON THE ANIMAL CRUELTY AS WELL. So it must have been that it was
not all that important that a monster committed the most horrendous acts of animal cruelty...and they must not know that animal cruelty and other horrific acts committed on humans go hand in hand..what a failure...what a failure of justice..And...wonder what else this monster has gotten scot free on in the past?
He said he beat them to death...but did he beat them to death in the beginning or did he bury them alive as was first described by the only witness who is not not appearing anywhere now. Did he beat them to death ONLY after requests were made to exhume the bodies of the mother and puppies...so did he beat them
to death after he dug them back up ...and what was left for forensics was ...beaten to pieces...TO PIECES..and he said with a baseball bat. For legal purposes...ALL ALLEGEDLY...I was not there. I am
not a witness. But I find the following to be unreal..the first unreal...
The hometown county newspaper wrote much later this story:
Published 1/16/13:
Blountsville man indicted on animal abuse
by Nicole Singleton
On April 23, 2012, the Blountsville Police Department responded to a
complaint of cruelty to animals at a residence on King Drive, according to a
press release from Chief Ray Baxley. The complaint indicated a mother dog and
her eight puppies had been killed.
The suspect was contacted and cooperated with the investigation. The case
was presented to the Blount County grand jury at the end of October 2012, and
the grand jury returned with a "true bill" and a criminal indictment. The
indictment was issued and served in November 2012. The suspect is out on bond
and awaiting trial.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 310
Oneonta, Ala. 35121
Street Address:
217 Third Street South
Oneonta, AL 35121
Phone: (205) 625-3231
Fax: (205) 625-3239
HE IS COOPERATING????? what a disgrace....
And notice they didnt mention the sexual abuse counts returned from the grand jury..It can only be one of two things..who you are...or that animals dont matter..which one is it?
# cc2012 307
3 counts of felony cruelty to a dog or cat.
# cc2012 308
2 counts of sexual abuse
The Attorney General's Office, Kelly H. Godwin, is prosecuting the case.
It will be heard in Blount County by a judge other than King's brother but as of
today no court date has been set.
Case number --cc2012 307.
CONTACT: http://www.ago.state.al.us/Page-Contact-Us
All reported on this page aside from the facts already known are purely alleged and other impressions are purely the opinion of the Writer.