Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
The sins of Denver. But they are not the only ones. But they are the only ones with the best description of DOG HOLOCAUST...and leaving to people with no sense whatsoever the ability to determine breed to decide if an animal lives or dies. A picture is worth a thousand words. Though the following pics. are from earlier dates, just imagine how many bodies have piled high since these senseless killings and pics. These photos have surfaced showing some of the estimated 3,487 pit bull dogs that have been carted away from the shelter..(their dead bodies) Denver's sins..No other word will describe...except holocaust.

Friday, 27 July 2012
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
If you could spare just one dollar. This is such a worthy cause.
If you go there you can choose if you want to help feed some
animals that otherwise might not make it.
If you go there you can choose if you want to help feed some
animals that otherwise might not make it.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Lennox people who cheer for his dimise. And promote BSL. WHO are they??
Wouldn't it be interesting and good to know just who are the people who defend monsters or defend an indefensible act? What are the motives of those who organize and speak so in favor of a monstrous act? I m speaking of the murder of Lennox. And this was murder pure and simple. And before that, Animal abuse. For even those glimpsing his photos show he suffered abuse. Whatever else behind the scenes only the good care takers of him know (SIC)
Anyone who defends murder bears to be noticed and watched. We have learned that from several instances lately of people who have gone off the rails and therefore committed mass murder. Only monsters defend other monsters.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
LENNOX An Army promises you. There will be justice
This next video...I call taunting..what would a poodle do? Lying corrupt killers!!
Lennox and circumstantial evidence. We already know he was a victim of animal cruelty.
Victoria Stilwell
Update on Lennox. The family have told me that Belfast City Council will still not answer the family's calls and have consistently ignored their request to have Lennox's collar returned to them, nor have they returned 'Lennox's ashes.' There are many rumors circulating that Lennox died in a certain kennel location months before the BCC announced that he was euthanised and that the kennel panicked and were told by the BCC to get rid of everything Lennox related. These are still just rumors and should not be taken for hard fact until the truth is revealed. The family are 'heartbroken'. The media hype around this case might have died down but I can assure you everything will be done to ensure that one day the truth is known. Please share this with everyone you know to keep Lennox's name alive and to ensure that future dogs and their people do not have to suffer because of ignorance.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Lennox Died Months Ago At Hands Of BCC We knew it didnt we.
This from the host of an internet Radio show. Dr. Leigh Foster. This explains the actions and the cover up.
BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND—The host of an internet radio show says she has been given information by an unidentified informant that Lennox, a dog which became the center of an international effort to save his life, died months ago while in captivity in the hands of the Belfast City Council.
Dr. Leigh Foster, creator and host of The Pawz Cauze Show, says that the informant has told her that Lennox was found dead in his kennel months ago. Certainly this explains the cover up.
The BCC had rejected all efforts to save the dog after his family declined to appeal his case to the Supreme Court in London after their final appeal had been denied on June 12.
The dog had been held in captivity at a secret location since it was seized by Belfast dog wardens under the Dangerous Dog Act in May, 2010, simply because it looked like a pit bull and after they used a tape measure to determine the dog had the measurements of a “pit bull type”
The BCC issued a statement on July 11, claiming that the dog had been killed that day because it was a “dangerous dog”.
The family’s request to say goodbye to their beloved Len was heartlessly denied.
There are looming questions if Lennox was still alive as of the day before Lennox’s confirmed death as the BCC has steadfastly refused to offer any proof of his existence. They had steadfastly refused the family’s request for their own vet to examine Lennox after it was learned that the dog appeared to have been mistreated while in the care of the BCC, with sores on his neck and foot, hair falling out in clumps due to stress and depression. He was reportedly being medicated for the stress.
The government refused the family’s request to receive his body and have said the family might receive “some” of his ashes. They refused to return his collar to the family.
Foster’s posting read:
“ok, I have been sitting on some information given to me by an unidentified informant. I don’t know if it is true but it would explain A LOT about this case. If it is true, you all will be furious as I, but if not, then that means we can’t trust anything that comes out of Northern Ireland/UK. Here it goes:
“I was contacted shortly after I ended the show early in the morning on the 11th. The informant gave me information that I don’t know if it is the truth but I am releasing to you and hopefully we can get to the bottom of the truth. Please know that this is not from ME, I am just the messenger. This person stated that the shelter who kept Lennox hidden from the world went into his kennel one morning to give him his medication for kennel stress, food, and water. The informant stated that Lennox was found dead and the shelter panicked. They supposedly contacted BCC to see what they should do and they were told to have the body cremated immediately and to destroy the collar, clean the kennel and remove all evidence that Lennox was even there. This supposedly took place several months prior to the last court date. The informant stated that BCC told the judge and that is why the judge upheld the other rulings. According to the informant, BCC never thought that this case would cause such an uproar and by the time it did, they feared what would happen if they openly admitted that Lennox was dead already.
“IF this is in fact the truth, it would explain a lot! Why no one was able to see him, why the family could not have the body back and why the collar is missing. The saddest fact of all is that we have no proof that this is a true statement because all evidence was destroyed. The only way we will know the truth is if the informant identifies him or herself and if the shelter has a strike of conscious and speaks out. It also explains why everyone who was supposed to be able to grant amnesty were unable to thus passing the callers and public around to other people causing confusion and heightened anger.
“So there you have it. This is all I know and I have no idea who the person was. Sorry I can’t give you any more information. Know that I back you all up in this fight to know the truth. We owe it to the Barnes family and BCC owes it to the world to tell us what actually happened to Lennox.”
The dog had been held in captivity and seclusion for over two years, seized from his home in May 2010 by Belfast dog wardens in an egregious abuse of power.
Initially there was no claim that the docile family pet was aggressive but as public sentiment grew against the BCC, they began to fabricate claims that he was a dangerous dog and ultimately the court decision that led to his death said he must be put down because he had teeth and therefore was a threat to public safety because someday he might bite someone although he had never done so before and had never shown any propensity to do so.
First Minister Peter Robinson had asked the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Michelle O’Neill to review the matter “with urgency” and had asked the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Gavin Robinson, not to execute Lennox but rather to allow him to be rehomed in the United States, to accept the longstanding offer of dog expert Victoria Stilwell.
Stilwell had offered to pay all expenses associated with the relocation of the dog to a sanctuary in the U.S. He would have been placed in the public and would have posed no risk to the public.
O’Neill never publicly addressed the issue although that is her responsibility. The Lord Mayor of Belfast said nothing, the Queen was busy modeling track suits for the Olympics.
The BCC refused to meet with Stilwell, refused to even grant her the courtesy of a response. The 51 councilors that comprise the BCC, while elected by the people, clearly do not represent the wishes of the people, an issue that is likely to be addressed in the next election. 7-17-12
Monday, 16 July 2012
Lemmings Lies and videos..who are they? Me thinks they protest too much ....

Lennox and the BCC cover up..continues

Sunday, 15 July 2012
Lennox and Pitbulls easy marks for a more sinister plot

The camel's nose under the tent were Pitbull Dogs...then breed after breed added especially
by BBC BELFAST. It is much like ethnic cleansing..Much like Hitler and his desire to
exterminate Jews. Where would it stop? People must not give that power to anyone. Much
like Serial Killers start their horrific assault begins with animals....Next people...it could happen.
Lennox Killers, BCC would have murdered this hero dog.

Saturday, 14 July 2012
Please go here and see slideshow proving the lies of BCC
Victoria is the honest player. ONE of the honest.
I am so disgusted and want everyone to know how low Belfast City Council have stooped. The Barnes family heard about the death of their beloved dog through me because I had been told by a source at BBC Radio Ulster. After what the council put the family through they didn't even have the decency to inform the family first before everyone else know. Someone involved in this mess needs to lose their job. If this is the way they represent their citizens then Belfast beware. Belfast City Council should hang their heads for the shameful and insensitive way they have handled this. Heartless doesn't even begin to describe the people surrounding this case. Appalling and I can assure you, this will NEVER be forgotten!
Thank you Victoria for all you do. We will stick behind you for we are an army of thousands upon thousands.
The killers of Lennox have their network going. Its called Lemmings.
Trust me they are hurting right now. Because of the thousands of people
who refuse to let those murderers get away with their cover up and their
attempts now to shut down anyone who is on a mission to make them suffer the correct consequences. No one is going away Lemmings...you are wasting your time. Be best if you just confess and ask God to forgive you for being a murderer and being an accomplice to that murder.
Lemmings lies and video tape. Yes..you truly are liars. And before its over you will go back under that rock you came out from.
Trust me they are hurting right now. Because of the thousands of people
who refuse to let those murderers get away with their cover up and their
attempts now to shut down anyone who is on a mission to make them suffer the correct consequences. No one is going away Lemmings...you are wasting your time. Be best if you just confess and ask God to forgive you for being a murderer and being an accomplice to that murder.
Lemmings lies and video tape. Yes..you truly are liars. And before its over you will go back under that rock you came out from.
I would like to share my conclusions on the case of the unjustified killing of Lennox.
After listening to what Peter Tallack had to say, it is clear to me that the first thing to understand is how his evaluation of Lennox initiated the series of events leading to the tragic death of this poor dog.
So, Peter Tallack – by his own admission – is not a dog behaviourist; he states that he was accidentally asked by BCC to measure the dog, only because he just happened to be in Northern Ireland at the time. Despite not being a certified dog behaviourist, he does express an opinion on the behaviour of Lennox on the day the dog is seized. Bear in mind, his so-called assessment will eventually be the only one taken into consideration by the Court of Law handling the case. In spite of other assessments being presented by qualified behaviourists, the Court bases the whole case on an unqualified opinion expressed by someone who just happened to be “in the right place, at the right time” and took the job offer.
Victoria Stilwell presented BCC with other options to which their reply was that their hands were tied. Well, this is actually a cop-out.
Obviously, their hands were not tied had they allowed the case to be fully discussed by including the evaluations of independent experts – such as Jim Crosby – who could have provided a more thorough and complete analysis of the case.
In mathematics, two plus two always equals four. Hence, the conclusion can only be one: for reasons still unknown to the general public, a decision to suppress Lennox had already been made by the BCC members. The court case was just a sham. The Court verdict had been decided in advance, so it was a matter of working towards that particular conclusion. Therefore, the sole assessment deemed as appropriate was Tallack’s, and we know now he actually did not evaluate the dog, but merely expressed an (unrequested and unqualified) opinion. In fact, the Barnes family could have brought in the Albert Einstein of dog behaviourist: it would have been a waste of time.
Now, what sinister motives were there for something like this to take place? I don’t know much about Northern Ireland, or its democratic values, but if I were a citizen of that country and a tax payer, I would demand an inquiry to find out what dirty liaison existed between the Court and the BCC, and why some basic laws were infringed. By definition, laws have “the explicit intention to provide the most complete protection for his, her, or their rights to life, liberty, and property.”
The backlash of angry reactions from the general public originates from the fact BCC has refused to come clean; its members have declined the opportunity to speak the truth and have avoided any civilised debate between the parties, ignoring repeated requests from respectable professionals to have also their facts taken in to account. Only those hiding something refuse such a dialogue. Could there have been a silent agreement or an exchange of favours between the Court and the BCC? What sordid affair is buried under this abominable abuse of power?
I have just learned that the people who work with Belfast Animal control have set up a page on Facebook to continue with their cover up and are reporting to Facebook any one who happens to disagree with them.
Maybe this is one of those save your job affairs. They should ask for forgiveness and confess to their crimes.
If you go there. Be aware. Free speech is suspended unless you agree with them.
Maybe this is one of those save your job affairs. They should ask for forgiveness and confess to their crimes.
If you go there. Be aware. Free speech is suspended unless you agree with them.
Lennox was murdered. Evidence in black and white proves he was not a dangerous dog. The only thing dangerous are narcissistic people who believe they are above rebuke.

This sure makes the case for a picture is worth a thousand words. And no words need to
be said about these pics. and there are many more. More than enough to convict these
murderers of Lennox for his death and for their cover up afterwards and for their on
going cover up now. Playing the victim now. Despicable actions bring on consequences
too bad they had been getting away with their murders so long without question and now
cannot stand the light being shone on them. They should confess. Ask for forgiveness and
retire somewhere far away from where there are no animals for them to kill.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Sunday, 1 July 2012
June 30, 2012
At PEDIGREE®, we care about all dogs and their safety and well-being is extremely important to us. For that reason, we have initiated a voluntary recall of a limited range of three varieties of PEDIGREE® weight management canned dog food products due to a potential choking risk. Cans of this product may contain small pieces of blue plastic, which broke off a conveyor belt during the production process. The issue has been resolved at our manufacturing facility by replacing a conveyor belt with a redesigned tracking mechanism.
At Mars Petcare, we take our responsibility to pets and their owners seriously. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this recall. Please see detailed information on the affected products below. You can also reach us at 1-877-720-3335 from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST if you have questions.
Go to their website for the products recalled.
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- Lennox and wicca killers are like......
- Lennox people who cheer for his dimise. And promot...
- LENNOX An Army promises you. There will be justice
- Lennox and circumstantial evidence. We already kno...
- Lennox Died Months Ago At Hands Of BCC We knew it ...
- Lemmings Lies and videos..who are they? Me thinks ...
- Lennox and the BCC cover up..continues
- Lennox and Pitbulls easy marks for a more sinister...
- Lennox Killers, BCC would have murdered this hero ...
- Victoria is the honest player. ONE of the honest.
- Each shirt sold will be donated to Animal Rescues ...
- Rosie Trenta I would like to share my conc...
- I have just learned that the people who work with ...
- Lennox was murdered. Evidence in black and white p...
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- This innocent dog was murdered by Belfast this mor...
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- June 30, 2012 At PEDIGREE®, we care about all...