PETA, the worst thing that ever happened to animals wants to change the bible. PETA,who supports Michael Vic's desire to own another dog. PETA who collects money that should be sent to local Animal Rescues who really are doing something for animals. But the biggest question is this: PETA...if you want to change the bible, how come you don't want to change the Koran? about the most inhumane animal abuse of all...the EID HOLIDAY..where small children laugh with glee with blood on their hands as they slice the throats of what once was their pets....too much for you PETA? Stick to what you do best. Prosecuting little old ladies with too many cats. Disgusting.
The video below contains the story people. The photos below the video tells more. Need there more be said. PETA HYPOCRITES...when Christians start doing can complain but that is not it, is it? People please contribute to your local animal rescues....
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
Hungry, hurt and separated from owners who are either dead or in evacuation centres, hundreds of family pets are struggling to survive in the desolation ofJapan's tsunami-ravaged northeast coast.
Among the many rescue teams sent from around the world to search for survivors and bodies after Japan's worst natural disaster for nearly a century, a handful of specialised animal rescue groups have also been at work.
In the days immediately after the March 11 tsunami that wiped out dozens of thriving coastal towns, the prospects looked grim.
"In the hardest hit areas, we saw no animal life whatsoever," said an Animal Rescue Group.
"We did see some paw prints in the mud at one point, but they didn't lead anywhere, and we could not find any animals nearby."
Slowly but surely, however, abandoned pets began to emerge, often from damaged homes where they had managed to ride out the destructive force of the tsunami.
Many pet owners left their cats and dogs when the tsunami warning sounded, never imagining that the wave would be as large and powerful as it eventually was.
The animals were left to fend for themselves in a hostile environment with no food or fresh water.
Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support (JEARS), a hastily assembled coalition of animal welfare groups, has spent the last two weeks searching what's left of the worst-hit coastal towns.
The teams, which include several volunteer vets, provide food and treatment for injured animals and try to find temporary shelters for those that have lost their owners. hey also visit evacuation centres where those people who escaped the tsunami with their pets are having trouble holding on to them in difficult, cramped surroundings where animals are not always welcome.
"There have been some problems in the centres, with tensions between those with pets and those without," said vet Kazumasu Sasaki.
"Some people have pet allergies, and they complain that the dogs are barking and fighting. It's understandable."
There have been cases of people choosing to stay in their ruined houses because shelters refused to accommodate pets, and JEARS coordinatorIsabella Gallaon-Aoki said it was difficult to persuade those in the centres that their animals would be better off in a temporary shelter.
"People here see pets as family members. For some, after everything that has happened, their pet is the only thing they can cling on to -- the only thing that brings them comfort," she said.
Timo Takazawa, who survived the tsunami along with her husband, refused to give up their dog, Momo, despite complaints from other evacuees in their crowded shelter in the city of Sendai.
"When we escaped from the tsunami we didn't take anything, just Momo," said Takazawa, 65.
"I can't imagine not being here together. If anybody said to me I couldn't keep Momo here, we would leave with her, we would go somewhere else."
Animals have featured in a number of unusual tsunami survival stories, most notably a porpoise rescued from a rice field after it was washed two kilometres (1.2 miles) inland.
Then there was the case of Tashirojima island in Miyagi Prefecture, known locally as "Cat Island" for its feral feline population that vastly outnumbers the 100 or so human residents.
The tiny island was engulfed by the tsunami -- but a rescue team that flew in by helicopter reported that both cats and people had come out unscathed.In Sendai, tsunami warden Mr Kamata tried to return for his dog -- a large pedigree Akita -- after warning neighbours about the incoming wave, but found his way blocked by the churning water.
"I thought there was no way he could have survived. It was terribly sad," Kamata said.
But later that night, as he sheltered in a refuge with hundreds of other residents, Kamata heard that a dog had been found outside.
"It was him. He'd swum and found me. He'd ingested a lot of sea water and kept throwing up and I thought I was going to lose him anyway, but he pulled through," Kamata said.
Heartwarming stories of survival aside, Animal welfare groups will be busy in tsunami-affected areas for some time to come.
"Recovery from this disaster is going to take months, if not years," she said.
"People in the hardest hit areas will continue to need pet food and veterinary supplies, as will the animal shelters, which will also need to house animals until their homeless guardians are able to find somewhere to live."
Sunday, 20 March 2011
This is Jeff Nally Jr. He is only 19 years old. Imagine what a career he has ahead of him. Most especially if the courts allow this criminally insane monster to return to the streets again after a slap on the hand. All because...after was only animals. This monster posing as a human committed the most heinous crimes as described below.
West Virginia Man Brutally Tortures and Kills 29 Dogs to Abuse Ex-Girlfriend
West Virginia Man Brutally Tortures and Kills 29 Dogs to Abuse Ex-Girlfriend

In another shocking case showing the link between domestic violence and animal cruelty, a 19-year-old man in West Virginia was arrested last week. The charges include domestic battery, kidnapping and 29 counts of felony animal cruelty.
Jeffrey Nally, Jr. held his former girlfriend captive in their home since December and proceeded to physically and sexually abuse her. Apparently that wasn’t enough. Beginning in January, Nally also tortured and killed 29 dogs, most of them puppies. He made his ex-girlfriend watch the horrendous murders, then forced her to clean up the mess.
Three puppies were found alive when a SWAT team converged on the house. They were slated for death following acts of torture. Luckily, they have a renewed chance for a happy life and already have been adopted into new homes. Along with the 29 other dogs, these puppies had been obtained from classified ads for free or very little money.
I would imagine the owners of these pets thought they had found a loving forever home for their pups, instead of the fate that all-too-often awaits free-to-good-home pets. As Nally was under house arrest for violating previous convictions, the dogs had to be dropped off at his house. Some of the dogs were littermates. One of the rescued puppies, a black lab, had siblings that weren’t so lucky.
The victim’s mother contacted police after Nally threatened to kill any police officer who approached the house, along with himself and the captive woman. After Nally was arrested, police used a search warrant to investigate the property. What they found is indescribable.
Many of the dogs had sustained injuries from blunt force trauma, gunshot wounds and snapped necks. Some were skinned or otherwise mutilated. Nally tried to hide the evidence by burying the dead dogs in the backyard. Police also uncovered the weapons used to torture the dogs, everything from hammers and drills to crossbows and guns.
How a person can willingly inflict so much pain on another living being for the pleasure of making so
someone else watch is beyond me. Nally is a repeat offender when it comes to terrorizing women, with a 2010 conviction for domestic battery.
People like Nally will continue the pattern of abusing both women and animals in the future. They are the reason so many communities are pushing for animal abuser registries. Hancock County Chief Deputy Todd Murray told local WTRF news that he believes it would only be a matter of time before Nally would get bored killing animals and move on to humans.
A push by concerned citizens is mounting across the U.S. to seek stiff sentencing for Jeffrey Nally, Jr. In addition to the charges of misdemeanor domestic battery and felony kidnapping, the penalties for felony animal cruelty in West Virginia can carry a sentence of 1-5 years and a fine of $1,000-5,000 dollars, per count. Nally could also be prohibited from owning any animals for 15 years from his conviction.
Send a letter to Prosecuting Attorney James Davis and Circuit Court Clerk Brenda Jackson asking the court to remain firm when convicting and sentencing Nally for his crimes.
NOTE: When oh when will people learn to never advertise their animals free to a good home....It most never ends well for the animals. Please go here if you want to sign the petition. SIGN HERE FOR THE MURDERER TO PAY
Saturday, 19 March 2011
I said before that it was coming to your neighborhood...course this was met with silence and little stealth shaking of heads. The ones with the biggest microphone. The ones who collect millions and millions of dollars to make sure people who have too many animals are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law....the ones who support dog murderer/torturer Michael Vick, go silent when it comes to what is going to be the largest assault of animals ever.
Course I am talking about PETA. What did PETA ever say about EID? The savage murder and torture of animals by Islamics as degreed by their religion. Blood on the hands of children as they laugh and display their art at slashing the necks of any available animal. What did PETA say? How far will people go to stick by liberalism. For a lot of liberals speak not of Muslims or Islamics for fear of being painted a bigot....bigot has nothing to do with it. NOTHING. How much do you care about animals if you allow some other policy or thought process to allow you to turn a blind give a bye?
It's all in the Koran. It is all in the koran to try and bring Sharia Law to our country. Go here and see for yourself the beginnings of it. SHARIA LAW IN FLORIDA
So if you bring Sharia law....get ready for what comes with it....It's in the Koran.
Course I am talking about PETA. What did PETA ever say about EID? The savage murder and torture of animals by Islamics as degreed by their religion. Blood on the hands of children as they laugh and display their art at slashing the necks of any available animal. What did PETA say? How far will people go to stick by liberalism. For a lot of liberals speak not of Muslims or Islamics for fear of being painted a bigot....bigot has nothing to do with it. NOTHING. How much do you care about animals if you allow some other policy or thought process to allow you to turn a blind give a bye?
It's all in the Koran. It is all in the koran to try and bring Sharia Law to our country. Go here and see for yourself the beginnings of it. SHARIA LAW IN FLORIDA
So if you bring Sharia law....get ready for what comes with it....It's in the Koran.
Over the past few years, dog ownership has become yet another unlikely arena for the social and political dispute within the tumultuous politics of Iran.
It is well known that dogs, along with pigs, are considered unclean in Islam. Strictly speaking, the theology doesn’t ban their ownership, or petting; theSunna prescribes that dogs are “pollutants”, contact with them rendering believers ritually unclean. This means that ritual cleansing is required before one is able to perform prayers. Despite this, dogs have been kept by Muslims for centuries. For example, salukis, an ancient breed of hunting dog, have historically been valued by the Bedouin, who breed them for both their beauty and their prowess in hunting.
However, having domesticated animals free to roam inside a house, contact with which would require ritual cleansing, would be quite tricky from a practical point of view for Muslims who are required to pray five times a day – even though there is no actual legal prohibition of dog ownership.The Islamic Republic of Iran makes not only the application of the laws of Islam its constitutional duty, but also the promotion of godly behaviour its social remit. It has an Orwellian state ministry tasked with the promotion of “better behaviour” according to Islamic mores. This is the sharpest point at which the ideological state comes into contact with a people, who are at least as fun loving as they are God fearing.
…The state prohibition of anything in Iran is an open invitation for its widespread social promotion. Blond hair and garish makeup, nose jobs (of which Iran is the world capital) and extravagantly sculpted and gelled hairstyles for boys are all forms of sedition – political statements with a small “p”. The state’s legitimacy is thus questioned and openly ridiculed, at least by a certain section of the population.
As it happens, opponents of the state and its ideology also have the means and the spare time to indulge in such practices because they are, by and large, members of the affluent urban elite. But the religiously informed state disapproval of dogs in Iran has a deeper resonance than a garish pair of Dolce & Gabbana crystal-studded sunglasses. Before the Muslim invasion and conversion, Iran’s state religion was Zoroastrianism. In ancient Iran, dogs were particularly treasured and well-treated animals. The Gathas were explicit in the promotion of dogs as good and godly creatures; furthermore, the Zoroastrians believed that the bridge to the afterlife was guarded by dogs, so being nice to dogs in this world might have its reward in the hereafter.After the Islamic conquest and the gradual but eventual mass conversion of Iranians from their national religion, disdain for dogs was not only a way for the conquerors of humiliating nation but a way for the new converts to prove their devotion to their new religion…
…Dogs are now as much symbols of safe, middle-class resistance as false eyelashes and green wristbands. Pooches have never had it so good, and rare breeds, especially small lap dogs, change hand for tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars.
An underground industry of dog beauty parlours thrives, mostly run out of private homes, as do a plethora of canine protection and welfare charities. A legal and substantial kennel industry has developed into what is fancily called “dog spas” where the middle class deposit their dogs when on holiday or, in the case of some of my conflicted relatives, when a devout auntie comes to stay…
In 1999, the then-head of the judiciary, Mullah Mohammad Yazdi, ruled that dogs must not be taken to public places. At the time, he conceded that they could be kept in people’s homes. But in June 2010, the senior hardline mullah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi issued an edict eradicating that privilege. When asked to clarify the position of Islamic religious law on the growing number of dogs kept as pets in Iran’s big cities, the senior cleric postulated that keeping pet dogs was an irrational imitation of Westerners, who often love their dogs more than their husbands, wives, and children. Makarem Shirazi also claimed that there are many references to dogs being unclean in Islam, though the Quran itself does not specifically address the topic.
The pets issue has fueled a perennially heated debate, but in recent weeks it reached a fever pitch in the Iranian parliament (Majles). Thirty-nine MPs submitted a resolution that would prohibit dog owners from walking their dogs in public. The resolution’s preamble maintains that keeping dogs and taking them for walks on the streets has become a serious problem in Iran’s big cities. The MPs claimed that dog-walking poses a public health hazard and deepens the threat of cultural corruption. If they can’t stop Iranians from owning dogs, the MPs figure, they can squeeze them out of their homes and forbid their presence on the streets.
Should the resolution pass, a dog owner caught walking his dog would be fined up to five million rials — approximately $500.
The pooch itself would face a steeper penalty: euthanization.
What’s more, if other residents of an apartment building or a house object to a fellow resident’s pet, that alone is grounds for the pet to be impounded by the regime’s authorities. And to top it off, the resolution gives full authority to the Ministry of Health to come up with a list of other animals considered dangerous or unclean.
If all this isn’t absurd enough, it was recently reported that the Iranian regime is cloning 4000 drug-sniffing dogs to help in their so-called anti-narcotic campaign. Since the regime has been outed as one of the world’s biggest heroin traffickers, Iran’s mullahs have succeeded only in supplying their subjects with yet another punchline.
AND WE WAIT FOR A WORD FROM THE ONE WHO COLLECTS THE MOST CASH FROM ANIMAL LOVERS. silence. So this is what it has come if dogs did not already have a rough row to hoe.Now we have the same kind of ghouls who murdered innocents on 911 going after them. Wake up people. The key word is Sharia....
Friday, 18 March 2011

In this YouTube video, the woman is looking and looking for the cat. You go through room after room with her and see all the destruction: a tree through the roof, flat screen tv and living room in disarray, appliances turned over, but then look who comes down the stairs.
Yesterday, we had the story about the dogs being saved. This one is for cat lovers, and for anyone looking for a bright tale in all this sadness.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Loyal dog refuses to leave injured friend at quake site
JAPAN - A touching example of loyalty was discovered in the quake aftermath.
Two reporters discovered a dishevelled-looking dog in Arahama, Sendai.
They saw the dog sit next to the body of another dog, keeping watch over it.
At first, the reporters thought the second dog was dead, then they saw it stirring. The healthier dog was also seen gently putting its paws on its wounded friend.
Both dogs were rescued and have received veterinary care. The more seriously injured dog was sent to a vet in the city of Mito, Ibaraki, while its protective friend is at a shelter in the same town.
Kenn Sakurai, the head of an animal shelter in Japan says that many more pets have been displaced because of the disaster. He has rescued 62 animals so far.
Here is a translation of the exchange between the two reporters in the video.
"We are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He looks very dirty.
"He has a collar. He must be someone's pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid.
"Right there. There is another dog right next to the one sitting down. He is not moving. I wonder. I wonder if he is alright.
"The dog is protecting him.
"Yes. He is protecting the dog. That is why he did not want us to approach them. He was trying to keep us at bay.
"I can't watch this. This is a very difficult to watch.
"Oh. Look. He is moving. He is alive. I am so happy to see that he is alive.
"Yes! Yes! He is alive.
"We need them to be rescued soon.
"Oh good. He's getting up.
"It is amazing how they survived the tremendous earthquake and tsunami. It's just amazing that they survived through this all."
Two reporters discovered a dishevelled-looking dog in Arahama, Sendai.
They saw the dog sit next to the body of another dog, keeping watch over it.
At first, the reporters thought the second dog was dead, then they saw it stirring. The healthier dog was also seen gently putting its paws on its wounded friend.
Both dogs were rescued and have received veterinary care. The more seriously injured dog was sent to a vet in the city of Mito, Ibaraki, while its protective friend is at a shelter in the same town.
Kenn Sakurai, the head of an animal shelter in Japan says that many more pets have been displaced because of the disaster. He has rescued 62 animals so far.
Here is a translation of the exchange between the two reporters in the video.
"We are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He looks very dirty.
"He has a collar. He must be someone's pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid.
"Right there. There is another dog right next to the one sitting down. He is not moving. I wonder. I wonder if he is alright.
"The dog is protecting him.
"Yes. He is protecting the dog. That is why he did not want us to approach them. He was trying to keep us at bay.
"I can't watch this. This is a very difficult to watch.
"Oh. Look. He is moving. He is alive. I am so happy to see that he is alive.
"Yes! Yes! He is alive.
"We need them to be rescued soon.
"Oh good. He's getting up.
"It is amazing how they survived the tremendous earthquake and tsunami. It's just amazing that they survived through this all."
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
I can barely post this for the tears. For the people and for the animals they hold so dearly. God bless them and save them. Pray for Japan.
ARAHAMA, Miyagi Prefecture—When the tsunami warnings sounded after the massive earthquake that struck Japan on Friday, Masaki Kikuchi sprinted upstairs to grab his sleeping 12-year-old daughter before racing away to escape the rushing waters.
In the backyard tied to a small shed, Mr. Kikuchi left behind two dogs: Towa, a two-year-old Sheltie and Melody, a one-year-old Golden Retriever. Mr. Kikuchi assumed the giant tsunami that flattened his neighbors' homes and whisked away their cars probably killed Towa and Melody too.
Koya Kikuchi, the 20-year-old daughter of Mr. Kikuchi, was riding the bus home from her job at a local restaurant. When the earthquake struck, a power line fell in front of the bus and passengers started filing out.
She rushed to her cousin's house, which was nearby. She asked her cousin to drive her back home because she wanted to go save the dogs that she had begged her father to get. Within a half-mile of her home, police stopped the car. They told Ms. Kikuchi that a tsunami was coming and she could not go any farther.
"I told my cousin that I was going to walk. She told me that I would die if I went," said Ms. Kikuchi. "I was crushed. I thought they were dead."
But Towa and Melody had other ideas. They somehow broke free from the ropes tying them to the shed and ran up outdoor stairs to the second floor of Mr. Kikuchi's house. And then they waited and waited. "I don't know how they survived," said Mr. Kikuchi.
Two days after the earthquake, Mr. Kikuchi ventured out from the evacuation center where his family had reunited unharmed. He walked in rubber boots on the debris-covered roads still covered in floodwater with his feet sinking in the thick mud below.
When he finally got to the house, sidestepping a car that had shifted to block the entrance to the driveway, he could hear the barking.
"I was happy to see them because I had felt badly about leaving them behind," said Mr. Kikuchi. He gave them water, food and brought them inside after cleaning them up.
Mr. Kikuchi knew that his daughter Kayo would want to see Towa and Melody, so on Monday the two of them set out to make the same journey across roads covered in thick mud. "This is where I would walk them everyday," she said.
Looking to her left, there is the roof on a flattened home sitting in the middle of what had been one of Japan's immaculately manicured rice patties.
Her father, wearing a helmet and one-piece jumpsuit from his construction company, walks ahead carrying a red canister in a red Hello Kitty roll-away bag. He said he wants to see if any of the cars have gasoline, which is in short supply in the Sendai area with lines extending for hours.
"Don't slip to the right, because you'll sink and we won't be able to get you out," Mr. Kikuchi said. He pointed out the chest-high water-level marks: "It came all the way up to here."
"I've lived here my whole life, all 49 years, and this is not something I could have ever imagined," said Mr. Kikuchi, climbing mounds of debris while thick mud covered the roads.
On the beaches of Arahama, not far from where the Kikuchi family lives, 200 to 300 bodies were discovered in the days following the tsunami.
Mr. Kikuchi said the earthquake knocked out the power instantly so many people didn't know a tsunami, which arrived 40 minutes after the earthquake, was coming. His immediate neighborhood of 160 homes was spared the heaviest damage.he Kikuchi family home was turned completely upside down with plates, food and utensils laying in an inch of muddy water on the kitchen floor. He said just down the road, many people died. Luckily, he said, a local elementary school withstood the tsunami and 400 people including the students were evacuated by helicopter.
As soon as Ms. Kikuchi entered the driveway, Towa jumped up and started scratching at the door. She opened the door and the Sheltie with fur still dotted with mud jumped up on Ms. Kikuchi's leg. Melody, who is more reserved, barked excitedly from inside.
"I bet they pooped a lot," shouted Mr. Kikuchi to her daughter who quietly cleaned up after the dogs.
Ms. Kikuchi, her face still red with excitement, said she was so happy to see the dogs, a bit of good news in an otherwise tragic event. "When my father told me they were alive, I was so excited," she said. "It's been so stressful. It's so good to see them"
Mr. Kikuchi and his daughter said they will come back every day to look after the dogs, but they are not going to bring the dogs to the shelter.
"There are lots of people dead and it's too much to ask to bring the dogs," said Mr. Kikuchi. "It would be inconsiderate to other people's sadness."
NOTE: It took Hurricane Katrina and the people who died because no one wanted to take the pets and therefore they stayed behind with the pets. Pets are family. God help Japan.
ARAHAMA, Miyagi Prefecture—When the tsunami warnings sounded after the massive earthquake that struck Japan on Friday, Masaki Kikuchi sprinted upstairs to grab his sleeping 12-year-old daughter before racing away to escape the rushing waters.
In the backyard tied to a small shed, Mr. Kikuchi left behind two dogs: Towa, a two-year-old Sheltie and Melody, a one-year-old Golden Retriever. Mr. Kikuchi assumed the giant tsunami that flattened his neighbors' homes and whisked away their cars probably killed Towa and Melody too.
Koya Kikuchi, the 20-year-old daughter of Mr. Kikuchi, was riding the bus home from her job at a local restaurant. When the earthquake struck, a power line fell in front of the bus and passengers started filing out.
She rushed to her cousin's house, which was nearby. She asked her cousin to drive her back home because she wanted to go save the dogs that she had begged her father to get. Within a half-mile of her home, police stopped the car. They told Ms. Kikuchi that a tsunami was coming and she could not go any farther.
"I told my cousin that I was going to walk. She told me that I would die if I went," said Ms. Kikuchi. "I was crushed. I thought they were dead."
But Towa and Melody had other ideas. They somehow broke free from the ropes tying them to the shed and ran up outdoor stairs to the second floor of Mr. Kikuchi's house. And then they waited and waited. "I don't know how they survived," said Mr. Kikuchi.
Two days after the earthquake, Mr. Kikuchi ventured out from the evacuation center where his family had reunited unharmed. He walked in rubber boots on the debris-covered roads still covered in floodwater with his feet sinking in the thick mud below.
When he finally got to the house, sidestepping a car that had shifted to block the entrance to the driveway, he could hear the barking.
"I was happy to see them because I had felt badly about leaving them behind," said Mr. Kikuchi. He gave them water, food and brought them inside after cleaning them up.
Mr. Kikuchi knew that his daughter Kayo would want to see Towa and Melody, so on Monday the two of them set out to make the same journey across roads covered in thick mud. "This is where I would walk them everyday," she said.
Looking to her left, there is the roof on a flattened home sitting in the middle of what had been one of Japan's immaculately manicured rice patties.
Her father, wearing a helmet and one-piece jumpsuit from his construction company, walks ahead carrying a red canister in a red Hello Kitty roll-away bag. He said he wants to see if any of the cars have gasoline, which is in short supply in the Sendai area with lines extending for hours.
"Don't slip to the right, because you'll sink and we won't be able to get you out," Mr. Kikuchi said. He pointed out the chest-high water-level marks: "It came all the way up to here."
"I've lived here my whole life, all 49 years, and this is not something I could have ever imagined," said Mr. Kikuchi, climbing mounds of debris while thick mud covered the roads.
On the beaches of Arahama, not far from where the Kikuchi family lives, 200 to 300 bodies were discovered in the days following the tsunami.
Mr. Kikuchi said the earthquake knocked out the power instantly so many people didn't know a tsunami, which arrived 40 minutes after the earthquake, was coming. His immediate neighborhood of 160 homes was spared the heaviest damage.he Kikuchi family home was turned completely upside down with plates, food and utensils laying in an inch of muddy water on the kitchen floor. He said just down the road, many people died. Luckily, he said, a local elementary school withstood the tsunami and 400 people including the students were evacuated by helicopter.
As soon as Ms. Kikuchi entered the driveway, Towa jumped up and started scratching at the door. She opened the door and the Sheltie with fur still dotted with mud jumped up on Ms. Kikuchi's leg. Melody, who is more reserved, barked excitedly from inside.
"I bet they pooped a lot," shouted Mr. Kikuchi to her daughter who quietly cleaned up after the dogs.
Ms. Kikuchi, her face still red with excitement, said she was so happy to see the dogs, a bit of good news in an otherwise tragic event. "When my father told me they were alive, I was so excited," she said. "It's been so stressful. It's so good to see them"
Mr. Kikuchi and his daughter said they will come back every day to look after the dogs, but they are not going to bring the dogs to the shelter.
"There are lots of people dead and it's too much to ask to bring the dogs," said Mr. Kikuchi. "It would be inconsiderate to other people's sadness."
NOTE: It took Hurricane Katrina and the people who died because no one wanted to take the pets and therefore they stayed behind with the pets. Pets are family. God help Japan.
Man lost at sea...his dog found alive
So sad that this man is missing. So what is the bottom line in this story for his companion found alive. This man made the choice to go sailing. But the dog didn't. If this dog had the reasoning ability as do most humans,she might or might not have agreed to accompany her master on this dangerous endeavor. But since she does not and cannot talk. We will never know. But what we do know is...dogs are at the mercy of their masters no matter how reckless or thoughtless they might be.
NO SIGN OF ACTIVITY: The Tafadzwa, as it was found by a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion yesterday.
STILL MISSING: Mr van Rensburg went missing after leaving Tauranga for Gisborne on March 12 with his dog, Juanita.
LATEST: Friends of missing yachtie Paul van Rensburg are "shattered" that a search of his yacht this morning failed to find any sign of him.
They were still holding out hope Mr Van Rensburg would be found, though.
"It's really hard to say (what their next steps would be) right at this minute but we have to look at all options and look at them seriously," friend Warwick Gowland said.
The 40-year-old South African went missing after leaving Tauranga for a new job in Gisborne on March 12 with his dog, Juanita. He was reported missing four days later and his 11-metre steel-hulled yacht, Tafadzwa, was spotted by an Air Force P3 Orion 110km west of the Chatham Islands yesterday.
Fishermen boarded the boat this morning. Although they failed to find Mr van Rensburg, his dog has been recovered alive.
Mr Gowland said friends could look at land masses in the area
in case Mr van Rensburg had made it to one of those.
"There's a lot of questions to be asked and answered," he said.
Mr van Rensburg's friends has lobbied to continue hunting for the Tafadzwa since the official search was called off earlier this month.
Mr Gowland believed there should be an official review.
"We don't believe they kept their search going long enough. They cut it off way too early, it's that simple."
Maritime New Zealand defended its decision to call off the search for Mr Van Rensburg after three days.
Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) mission coordinator Geoff Lunt today told NZPA he rejected any criticism of the search.
"We carried out a very extensive and exhaustive search and based that on the information we had at the time," he said.
Inquiries into the vessel's location had been exhausted, he said.
"That was what happened after three days of searching, it was decided that there was no longer viability to continue searching."
Mr Lunt said RCCNZ's role was "effectively over" and it would not take any further action, including a search of nearby islands, without new information.
"We have no leads to start a search from," he said.
"Indications are that's he's fallen overboard quite some time back, because of the state of the sails, and based on that we have no information at all that we can start a search with."
Mr Lunt said it was not yet clear if Mr Van Rensburg had been wearing a safety harness or what may have caused him to fall overboard.
The rescue coordination centre carried out an extensive search for the yacht over three days, covering 328,000sq km.SPOTTED FROM THE AIR
The commanding officer of No 5 Squadron, Wing Commander Nick Olney, said it was pure luck the yacht was seen by the Orion crew yesterday.
"It was in good shape, but the sails were badly ripped. There was no sign of activity on deck."
The crew could read the name of the Tafadzwa, confirming it was the missing boat.
"The guys were pretty excited. They tried to call him up but there was no response."
- with PAUL EASTON, The Dominion Post, and NZPA
NO SIGN OF ACTIVITY: The Tafadzwa, as it was found by a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion yesterday.
STILL MISSING: Mr van Rensburg went missing after leaving Tauranga for Gisborne on March 12 with his dog, Juanita.
LATEST: Friends of missing yachtie Paul van Rensburg are "shattered" that a search of his yacht this morning failed to find any sign of him.
They were still holding out hope Mr Van Rensburg would be found, though.
"It's really hard to say (what their next steps would be) right at this minute but we have to look at all options and look at them seriously," friend Warwick Gowland said.
The 40-year-old South African went missing after leaving Tauranga for a new job in Gisborne on March 12 with his dog, Juanita. He was reported missing four days later and his 11-metre steel-hulled yacht, Tafadzwa, was spotted by an Air Force P3 Orion 110km west of the Chatham Islands yesterday.
Fishermen boarded the boat this morning. Although they failed to find Mr van Rensburg, his dog has been recovered alive.
Mr Gowland said friends could look at land masses in the area
in case Mr van Rensburg had made it to one of those.
"There's a lot of questions to be asked and answered," he said.
Mr van Rensburg's friends has lobbied to continue hunting for the Tafadzwa since the official search was called off earlier this month.
Mr Gowland believed there should be an official review.
"We don't believe they kept their search going long enough. They cut it off way too early, it's that simple."
Maritime New Zealand defended its decision to call off the search for Mr Van Rensburg after three days.
Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) mission coordinator Geoff Lunt today told NZPA he rejected any criticism of the search.
"We carried out a very extensive and exhaustive search and based that on the information we had at the time," he said.
Inquiries into the vessel's location had been exhausted, he said.
"That was what happened after three days of searching, it was decided that there was no longer viability to continue searching."
Mr Lunt said RCCNZ's role was "effectively over" and it would not take any further action, including a search of nearby islands, without new information.
"We have no leads to start a search from," he said.
"Indications are that's he's fallen overboard quite some time back, because of the state of the sails, and based on that we have no information at all that we can start a search with."
Mr Lunt said it was not yet clear if Mr Van Rensburg had been wearing a safety harness or what may have caused him to fall overboard.
The rescue coordination centre carried out an extensive search for the yacht over three days, covering 328,000sq km.SPOTTED FROM THE AIR
The commanding officer of No 5 Squadron, Wing Commander Nick Olney, said it was pure luck the yacht was seen by the Orion crew yesterday.
"It was in good shape, but the sails were badly ripped. There was no sign of activity on deck."
The crew could read the name of the Tafadzwa, confirming it was the missing boat.
"The guys were pretty excited. They tried to call him up but there was no response."
- with PAUL EASTON, The Dominion Post, and NZPA
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
My daughter Sandy ran into Doctor Werner this past week at PetSmart. And the first thing she wanted to ask him was: " How is Eric? " The answer to that could not have been better. Doctor Werner says Eric is totally and completely healed. No more meds no more surgery. This Doctor Werner is the best. If you read the entire story of how much in despair we all were concerning Eric you will know why I love this handsome inside and out Doctor. He is truly God sent. He went on to say though. That Eric still hasn't come around to the 'doing your business outside thing '. He continues to mark his territory whenver he choooses.....and the human side of me, that knows Eric, wants to say..Well why not? He is happy to be there.
Thank you Doctor Werner and thank you to Lisa at LIFE FOR PAWS for all the money (well spent) and tears we invested in this one tiny life. He will always be my beloved Eric and I shall never forget him nor lose the desire to hear how he is doing. We are all in this together and when a perfect solution happens it is good to shout it from the tree tops. To all my friends who cared for Eric and the many many others. I love you all. Vera
Do you remember Eric?This is Eric now.
Vera T: What do you think of my beloved Eric now?
It has been a few months since I told you about my foster Eric having the dreaded skin disease, penpheious. but I didn’t tell you that he was adopted by the best dermitologist vet on this earth and since then he is totally cured and no longer comes to the clinic everyday. He stays home so he can boss the other big dogs that belong to Dr. werner. Eric had many mirales in his corner but the best one of all was his becoming one of Dr.Werner's pets. I know Eric had a very merry Christmas and everyday I ask god to give Doc. Werner and our Rescue group, life4paws many blessings for all they do for worthy animals.
I miss eric but since eric left, I took in 6 more dogs that were bailed out from the Cammeraillo shelter that were supposed to go to New york to a no kill shelter. Unfortunately no money for that to happen. There was a total of 13 and our Rescue,Life4Paws took them all. Some had health issues and were taken care of by the Rescue. Now all but three have been adopted.
The best way to tell this story is to just print the words of the person who most knows Eric.This little dog,except for the pervasiveness of his best friend,would not be with us now. God bless the rescuers,the foster homes and the ones who just put their heart out there on the line sometimes and more times than not just to have it beaten down and still they go on to the next one that needs to be saved. This story written by Vera T.I will with hold her last name,would it be we all be so lucky to have such a friend as this. And now on to the story of Eric:

My Beloved Eric
Eric was bailed out of Camarillo Animal Shelter in 2009. We first thought he had been in a fight with another dog because of the condition of his face. It was all torn and oozing. I took him to foster anyway. But soon I realized this little guy had major problems. He had what appeared to be a tumor coming out of his left ear. The Veterinarian we normally use wanted a huge amount to operate on Eric's ear.
I asked another girl who also rescues about her veterinarian and how much he would charge us. He agreed upon $650.00.
Eric had to stay at the vet's after his operation for about three weeks. But the problem was much bigger than we ever realized. I decided to take him to a dermatologist. It turned out his problem was a very rare and very hard to treat disease called pemphigus.
Eric came back to me and was put on all kinds of medication. Plus a bath every other day.But nothing was working.We found another Vet.who said he would fix the problem for $800.00. So once again with our heart and our hope we went ahead. Once again no progress.
Eric was with me for six months then with a cone around his neck so that he would not bleed to death. In spite of all of his misery he ate very well and he even played with the other dogs. He was such a special little guy loved by everyone who came across him. All the vets who treated him fell in love with him. What a horrific situation for this little guy whose quality of life was just not good.
Finally,the President of our rescue group came to my house to talk about Eric.She wanted me to allow Eric to be eutahnized. Words cannot describe my heart when I heard those words. I lost it. I cried so much and I wanted to die in his place. But reality and the fact that our hearts are always larger than our resources. I agreed.
But fate said no. When she took the little boy to the vet to put him down.The vet who happened to be a lady said no. That we should put Eric on a new road and try holistic medicine as well as western.
Again he came back to me.I started him on all of his medicine and had to literally track down the kind of food he must eat.(very expensive) I was determined and I did find it and day by day his hair started to grow back.
But there was still that problem with his ear. Not a small problem.
His ear was full of clusters and the vet said those must be removed so we paid another $700.00.
Back again to my home but suddenly we found someone who wanted to adopt him. A forever home for this deserving little boy. Still something is in the path and that is, another surgury which is to be done by a certified surgeon which will cost $3000.00 that we do not have.
Eric has been thru so much hell and finally he has a home and we just cannot let him down now.He deserves a life of love and without pain. Could you please give us a hand? Even the smallest amount will help and it is tax deductible. The pay pal button is at the end of this article. God bless you and thank you. Vera T.(from California)
My daughter Sandy ran into Doctor Werner this past week at PetSmart. And the first thing she wanted to ask him was: " How is Eric? " The answer to that could not have been better. Doctor Werner says Eric is totally and completely healed. No more meds no more surgery. This Doctor Werner is the best. If you read the entire story of how much in despair we all were concerning Eric you will know why I love this handsome inside and out Doctor. He is truly God sent. He went on to say though. That Eric still hasn't come around to the 'doing your business outside thing '. He continues to mark his territory whenver he choooses.....and the human side of me, that knows Eric, wants to say..Well why not? He is happy to be there.
Thank you Doctor Werner and thank you to Lisa at LIFE FOR PAWS for all the money (well spent) and tears we invested in this one tiny life. He will always be my beloved Eric and I shall never forget him nor lose the desire to hear how he is doing. We are all in this together and when a perfect solution happens it is good to shout it from the tree tops. To all my friends who cared for Eric and the many many others. I love you all. Vera
Do you remember Eric?This is Eric now.
Vera T: What do you think of my beloved Eric now?
It has been a few months since I told you about my foster Eric having the dreaded skin disease, penpheious. but I didn’t tell you that he was adopted by the best dermitologist vet on this earth and since then he is totally cured and no longer comes to the clinic everyday. He stays home so he can boss the other big dogs that belong to Dr. werner. Eric had many mirales in his corner but the best one of all was his becoming one of Dr.Werner's pets. I know Eric had a very merry Christmas and everyday I ask god to give Doc. Werner and our Rescue group, life4paws many blessings for all they do for worthy animals.
I miss eric but since eric left, I took in 6 more dogs that were bailed out from the Cammeraillo shelter that were supposed to go to New york to a no kill shelter. Unfortunately no money for that to happen. There was a total of 13 and our Rescue,Life4Paws took them all. Some had health issues and were taken care of by the Rescue. Now all but three have been adopted.
The best way to tell this story is to just print the words of the person who most knows Eric.This little dog,except for the pervasiveness of his best friend,would not be with us now. God bless the rescuers,the foster homes and the ones who just put their heart out there on the line sometimes and more times than not just to have it beaten down and still they go on to the next one that needs to be saved. This story written by Vera T.I will with hold her last name,would it be we all be so lucky to have such a friend as this. And now on to the story of Eric:

My Beloved Eric
Eric was bailed out of Camarillo Animal Shelter in 2009. We first thought he had been in a fight with another dog because of the condition of his face. It was all torn and oozing. I took him to foster anyway. But soon I realized this little guy had major problems. He had what appeared to be a tumor coming out of his left ear. The Veterinarian we normally use wanted a huge amount to operate on Eric's ear.
I asked another girl who also rescues about her veterinarian and how much he would charge us. He agreed upon $650.00.
Eric had to stay at the vet's after his operation for about three weeks. But the problem was much bigger than we ever realized. I decided to take him to a dermatologist. It turned out his problem was a very rare and very hard to treat disease called pemphigus.
Eric came back to me and was put on all kinds of medication. Plus a bath every other day.But nothing was working.We found another Vet.who said he would fix the problem for $800.00. So once again with our heart and our hope we went ahead. Once again no progress.
Eric was with me for six months then with a cone around his neck so that he would not bleed to death. In spite of all of his misery he ate very well and he even played with the other dogs. He was such a special little guy loved by everyone who came across him. All the vets who treated him fell in love with him. What a horrific situation for this little guy whose quality of life was just not good.
Finally,the President of our rescue group came to my house to talk about Eric.She wanted me to allow Eric to be eutahnized. Words cannot describe my heart when I heard those words. I lost it. I cried so much and I wanted to die in his place. But reality and the fact that our hearts are always larger than our resources. I agreed.
But fate said no. When she took the little boy to the vet to put him down.The vet who happened to be a lady said no. That we should put Eric on a new road and try holistic medicine as well as western.
Again he came back to me.I started him on all of his medicine and had to literally track down the kind of food he must eat.(very expensive) I was determined and I did find it and day by day his hair started to grow back.
But there was still that problem with his ear. Not a small problem.
His ear was full of clusters and the vet said those must be removed so we paid another $700.00.
Back again to my home but suddenly we found someone who wanted to adopt him. A forever home for this deserving little boy. Still something is in the path and that is, another surgury which is to be done by a certified surgeon which will cost $3000.00 that we do not have.
Eric has been thru so much hell and finally he has a home and we just cannot let him down now.He deserves a life of love and without pain. Could you please give us a hand? Even the smallest amount will help and it is tax deductible. The pay pal button is at the end of this article. God bless you and thank you. Vera T.(from California)
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