Did it take losing her brother to make her realize that which seemed so unimportant before? She hasn't seen Bubbles in such a long time. But Bubbles was loved by Michael and Bubbles loved him. And this video is being treated in such an insensitive way by several MSM hosts. Which shows they do not understand how people love their animals.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Mystery and accusations may be swirling around, but all Conchita knows is that now she's very rich. On second thought, she probably doesn't—she's a Chihuahua. The only Chihuahua in the world, in fact, with a $3 million trust fund and an $8.3 million mansion in Miami Beach. She inherited the fortune from her owner Gail Posner, the daughter of the takeover master Victor Posner, after she died in March. But after noticing that some $26 million were also left to her housekeepers, Ms. Posner's only living child, Bret Carr, isn't convinced that this is what his mother really wanted. He says his mother's aides drugged her and forced her to change her will, so he is suing all of them, according to The Wall Street Journal. Conchita certainly has high standards—in an interview last year, Posner said she considered buying her pet her own Range Rover and that the dog's favorite bauble was a Cartier necklace valued at $15,000.
Trouble certainly lived up to her name in 2007 when she inherited a $12 million trust fund from her owner, New York real-estate mogul Leona Helmsley. It only became a problem when it emerged that Helmsley, who was not known for her friendly side, had written two of her four grandchildren out of her will—and yet still included the Maltese. (The dog also apparently took after her "Queen of Mean" owner and bit people on several occasions.) It took a judge's decision for the grandchildren to receive an inheritance and for Trouble's trust fund to be reduced to $2 million.
When Majel Barrett Roddenberry, wife of the creator of Star Trek and the voice of the computer on the USS Enterprise, died in 2009, she took care of any potentially angry relatives in her will first. Her son inherited $100 million and then her dogs picked up a cool $4 million, a mansion, and an appointed caretaker. In all likelihood, some of the funds also went to the plan she and her husband, Gene Roddenberry, devised for their ashes before he died in 1991—they wanted their remains shot into orbit.
Nora Hardwell's three great loves were gardening, poetry, and her dogs. The former secretary from England had no children, no other relatives, and a hefty amount of money in her savings. So when she died in 2002, she left nearly $1 million "for the maintenance of any dog or dogs which I may own at my death for the period of 21 years from the date of my death or until the death of my last of my dogs if earlier." For Tina and Kate, the pair of collie mixes that outlived their owner, it was plenty.
Oil heiress Eleanor Ritchey had a tendency to accumulate things. By the time she died in 1968, she had more than 1,700 pairs of shoes and more than 150 stray dogs. Auburn University stood to greatly benefit from her death, but they would have to wait. Auburn would collect some $12 million, including 113,328 shares of Quaker Oil common stock, real estate, bonds, and Treasury bills only if it used an additional $4.2 million of Ritchey's to take care of all the dogs for the rest of their lives and support research on canine diseases. Just to make sure the university held up its end of the bargain, the will stated the university would not be able to collect the $12 million until the last dog died. It took 16 years before the last survivor, a mutt named Musketeer, expired.
Built in the 19th century, the Wendel farmhouse on 39th Street and Fifth Avenue was an oddity in New York. When the last of the elder Wendel's daughters, Ella, died in 1931, her $35 million estate drew 2,303 mostly made-up claims. But during the last years of her life, she lived in the house alone with her pampered poodle Tobey because, she said, he still needed a place to play. And it was Tobey who remained in the house after she died while her estate was being settled. Though he did not technically inherit it, he was the direct beneficiary of her death since he continued to live there with two servants of his own.
The tale of Gunther IV sounds almost too outrageous to be real—and it's possible it isn't. Gunther IV, a German shepherd, inherited a fortune of at least $65 million from his father Gunther III, who had been the sole heir of a German countess named Karlotta Liebenstein who died in 1992. Since then, someone acting on behalf of Gunther IV bought a $9 million Miami villa from Madonna in 2000. Later that year, Gunther, with help from a pair of caretakers, paid more than $1,500 to buy a rare white truffle at auction. But it seems that the law firm in the Bahamas, which supposedly handles his financial affairs, has only the sketchiest of details to provide about him.
In what is one of the earliest instances of a dog inheriting a vast sum of money, Anne E. Dier left her dog Fannie the better part of a $25,000 estate in 1909. Technically, it was left to a couple in Buffalo with the stipulation that most of it be spent on Fannie. For Mrs. Dier's husband, the will added insult to injury. He had shot her to death.
Sidney Altman's girlfriend, Marie Dana, had a right to be upset when she saw Altman's will. After he died in 1998, sitting on a fortune earned distributing upscale bathroom fixtures, it turned out that he had left a $6 million estate to someone named Samantha. Perhaps more insulting than if she'd been another woman, Samantha was Altman's cocker spaniel. So Dana, who became the dog's legal guardian, sued for $2.7 million, arguing that his will was "stale" and did not reflect her importance in his life, since he had written it four years before his death.
Brewery heiress Diana Myburgh first adopted Jasper, an illegitimate Labrador Doberman cross from a dog shelter. And she cared for him, along with a whippet named Jason, until she died at age 74 in 1995. Each of them inherited £25,000—with Jasper collecting Jason's share when he died. And, miraculously, no one was outraged that she bequeathed money to her pets. In fact, quite the contrary. Her former son-in-law, Sir Benjamin Slade, was left in charge of managing the money for Jasper, who lived in a country mansion. He more than tripled it in the stock market, according to the Daily Mail. Slade's salary for taking care of Jasper is £11, paid out from the dog's account.
Despite his relatives contesting his will all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court, G.S. Richberg's American pit bull finally received an inheritance in 1948. Much to his family's chagrin, Richberg, a Memphis barber, had left Dixie a $4,500 estate to be paid out in $35 increments every month for the rest of the dog's life. Dixie was 8 years old at the time of his owner's death—and continued to receive his allowance.

Mystery and accusations may be swirling around, but all Conchita knows is that now she's very rich. On second thought, she probably doesn't—she's a Chihuahua. The only Chihuahua in the world, in fact, with a $3 million trust fund and an $8.3 million mansion in Miami Beach. She inherited the fortune from her owner Gail Posner, the daughter of the takeover master Victor Posner, after she died in March. But after noticing that some $26 million were also left to her housekeepers, Ms. Posner's only living child, Bret Carr, isn't convinced that this is what his mother really wanted. He says his mother's aides drugged her and forced her to change her will, so he is suing all of them, according to The Wall Street Journal. Conchita certainly has high standards—in an interview last year, Posner said she considered buying her pet her own Range Rover and that the dog's favorite bauble was a Cartier necklace valued at $15,000.
Trouble certainly lived up to her name in 2007 when she inherited a $12 million trust fund from her owner, New York real-estate mogul Leona Helmsley. It only became a problem when it emerged that Helmsley, who was not known for her friendly side, had written two of her four grandchildren out of her will—and yet still included the Maltese. (The dog also apparently took after her "Queen of Mean" owner and bit people on several occasions.) It took a judge's decision for the grandchildren to receive an inheritance and for Trouble's trust fund to be reduced to $2 million.
When Majel Barrett Roddenberry, wife of the creator of Star Trek and the voice of the computer on the USS Enterprise, died in 2009, she took care of any potentially angry relatives in her will first. Her son inherited $100 million and then her dogs picked up a cool $4 million, a mansion, and an appointed caretaker. In all likelihood, some of the funds also went to the plan she and her husband, Gene Roddenberry, devised for their ashes before he died in 1991—they wanted their remains shot into orbit.
Nora Hardwell's three great loves were gardening, poetry, and her dogs. The former secretary from England had no children, no other relatives, and a hefty amount of money in her savings. So when she died in 2002, she left nearly $1 million "for the maintenance of any dog or dogs which I may own at my death for the period of 21 years from the date of my death or until the death of my last of my dogs if earlier." For Tina and Kate, the pair of collie mixes that outlived their owner, it was plenty.
Oil heiress Eleanor Ritchey had a tendency to accumulate things. By the time she died in 1968, she had more than 1,700 pairs of shoes and more than 150 stray dogs. Auburn University stood to greatly benefit from her death, but they would have to wait. Auburn would collect some $12 million, including 113,328 shares of Quaker Oil common stock, real estate, bonds, and Treasury bills only if it used an additional $4.2 million of Ritchey's to take care of all the dogs for the rest of their lives and support research on canine diseases. Just to make sure the university held up its end of the bargain, the will stated the university would not be able to collect the $12 million until the last dog died. It took 16 years before the last survivor, a mutt named Musketeer, expired.
Built in the 19th century, the Wendel farmhouse on 39th Street and Fifth Avenue was an oddity in New York. When the last of the elder Wendel's daughters, Ella, died in 1931, her $35 million estate drew 2,303 mostly made-up claims. But during the last years of her life, she lived in the house alone with her pampered poodle Tobey because, she said, he still needed a place to play. And it was Tobey who remained in the house after she died while her estate was being settled. Though he did not technically inherit it, he was the direct beneficiary of her death since he continued to live there with two servants of his own.
The tale of Gunther IV sounds almost too outrageous to be real—and it's possible it isn't. Gunther IV, a German shepherd, inherited a fortune of at least $65 million from his father Gunther III, who had been the sole heir of a German countess named Karlotta Liebenstein who died in 1992. Since then, someone acting on behalf of Gunther IV bought a $9 million Miami villa from Madonna in 2000. Later that year, Gunther, with help from a pair of caretakers, paid more than $1,500 to buy a rare white truffle at auction. But it seems that the law firm in the Bahamas, which supposedly handles his financial affairs, has only the sketchiest of details to provide about him.
In what is one of the earliest instances of a dog inheriting a vast sum of money, Anne E. Dier left her dog Fannie the better part of a $25,000 estate in 1909. Technically, it was left to a couple in Buffalo with the stipulation that most of it be spent on Fannie. For Mrs. Dier's husband, the will added insult to injury. He had shot her to death.
Sidney Altman's girlfriend, Marie Dana, had a right to be upset when she saw Altman's will. After he died in 1998, sitting on a fortune earned distributing upscale bathroom fixtures, it turned out that he had left a $6 million estate to someone named Samantha. Perhaps more insulting than if she'd been another woman, Samantha was Altman's cocker spaniel. So Dana, who became the dog's legal guardian, sued for $2.7 million, arguing that his will was "stale" and did not reflect her importance in his life, since he had written it four years before his death.
Brewery heiress Diana Myburgh first adopted Jasper, an illegitimate Labrador Doberman cross from a dog shelter. And she cared for him, along with a whippet named Jason, until she died at age 74 in 1995. Each of them inherited £25,000—with Jasper collecting Jason's share when he died. And, miraculously, no one was outraged that she bequeathed money to her pets. In fact, quite the contrary. Her former son-in-law, Sir Benjamin Slade, was left in charge of managing the money for Jasper, who lived in a country mansion. He more than tripled it in the stock market, according to the Daily Mail. Slade's salary for taking care of Jasper is £11, paid out from the dog's account.
Despite his relatives contesting his will all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court, G.S. Richberg's American pit bull finally received an inheritance in 1948. Much to his family's chagrin, Richberg, a Memphis barber, had left Dixie a $4,500 estate to be paid out in $35 increments every month for the rest of the dog's life. Dixie was 8 years old at the time of his owner's death—and continued to receive his allowance.

Friday, 18 June 2010

It seems we cannot ever let our guard down.If we look away for one instance,there are people out there who are waiting to harm,murder our animals. There can be no rest because they do not rest. At this moment there are people in Africa doling out the most horrific fate to lions. I will not at this time go into detail as to the reasons these people are giving.Because to me,there is no acceptable reason. Here is the story:
We Cannot turn our heads no matter how it greives us.These animals need our voice our help and continued attention until this is stopped. God help the helpless animals.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
SINGLE BLACK FEMALE AND SINGLE WHITE FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me... Email me met@otelco.net I'll be waiting.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
My Beloved Eric (from the heart of his most faithful friend)
Do you remember Eric?This is Eric now
This is an update. Miracles do happen and what could be a better miracle than for a little dog with a world of seemingly incurable skin problems to be in the foreverhome of a dermatologist. Doctor Alexander Werner. Thank you Doctor Werner from all those who love Eric and from his foster Mom, Vera. Who never gave up on Eric.
The best way to tell this story is to just print the words of the person who most knows Eric.This little dog,except for the pervasiveness of his best friend,would not be with us now. God bless the rescuers,the foster homes and the ones who just put their heart out there on the line sometimes and more times than not just to have it beaten down and still they go on to the next one that needs to be saved. This story written by Vera T.I will with hold her last name,would it be we all be so lucky to have such a friend as this. And now on to the story of Eric:

My Beloved Eric
Eric was bailed out of Camarillo Animal Shelter in 2009. We first thought he had been in a fight with another dog because of the condition of his face. It was all torn and oozing. I took him to foster anyway. But soon I realized this little guy had major problems. He had what appeared to be a tumor coming out of his left ear. The Veterinarian we normally use wanted a huge amount to operate on Eric's ear.
I asked another girl who also rescues about her veterinarian and how much he would charge us. He agreed upon $650.00.
Eric had to stay at the vet's after his operation for about three weeks. But the problem was much bigger than we ever realized. I decided to take him to a dermatologist. It turned out his problem was a very rare and very hard to treat disease called pemphigus.
Eric came back to me and was put on all kinds of medication. Plus a bath every other day.But nothing was working.We found another Vet.who said he would fix the problem for $800.00. So once again with our heart and our hope we went ahead. Once again no progress.
Eric was with me for six months then with a cone around his neck so that he would not bleed to death. In spite of all of his misery he ate very well and he even played with the other dogs. He was such a special little guy loved by everyone who came across him. All the vets who treated him fell in love with him. What a horrific situation for this little guy whose quality of life was just not good.
Finally,the President of our rescue group came to my house to talk about Eric.She wanted me to allow Eric to be eutahnized. Words cannot describe my heart when I heard those words. I lost it. I cried so much and I wanted to die in his place. But reality and the fact that our hearts are always larger than our resources. I agreed.
But fate said no. When she took the little boy to the vet to put him down.The vet who happened to be a lady said no. That we should put Eric on a new road and try holistic medicine as well as western.
Again he came back to me.I started him on all of his medicine and had to literally track down the kind of food he must eat.(very expensive) I was determined and I did find it and day by day his hair started to grow back.
But there was still that problem with his ear. Not a small problem.
His ear was full of clusters and the vet said those must be removed so we paid another $700.00.
Back again to my home but suddenly we found someone who wanted to adopt him. A forever home for this deserving little boy. Still something is in the path and that is, another surgury which is to be done by a certified surgeon which will cost $3000.00 that we do not have.
Eric has been thru so much hell and finally he has a home and we just cannot let him down now.He deserves a life of love and without pain. Could you please give us a hand? Even the smallest amount will help and it is tax deductible. The pay pal button is at the end of this article. God bless you and thank you. Vera T.(from California)
This is an update. Miracles do happen and what could be a better miracle than for a little dog with a world of seemingly incurable skin problems to be in the foreverhome of a dermatologist. Doctor Alexander Werner. Thank you Doctor Werner from all those who love Eric and from his foster Mom, Vera. Who never gave up on Eric.
The best way to tell this story is to just print the words of the person who most knows Eric.This little dog,except for the pervasiveness of his best friend,would not be with us now. God bless the rescuers,the foster homes and the ones who just put their heart out there on the line sometimes and more times than not just to have it beaten down and still they go on to the next one that needs to be saved. This story written by Vera T.I will with hold her last name,would it be we all be so lucky to have such a friend as this. And now on to the story of Eric:

My Beloved Eric
Eric was bailed out of Camarillo Animal Shelter in 2009. We first thought he had been in a fight with another dog because of the condition of his face. It was all torn and oozing. I took him to foster anyway. But soon I realized this little guy had major problems. He had what appeared to be a tumor coming out of his left ear. The Veterinarian we normally use wanted a huge amount to operate on Eric's ear.
I asked another girl who also rescues about her veterinarian and how much he would charge us. He agreed upon $650.00.
Eric had to stay at the vet's after his operation for about three weeks. But the problem was much bigger than we ever realized. I decided to take him to a dermatologist. It turned out his problem was a very rare and very hard to treat disease called pemphigus.
Eric came back to me and was put on all kinds of medication. Plus a bath every other day.But nothing was working.We found another Vet.who said he would fix the problem for $800.00. So once again with our heart and our hope we went ahead. Once again no progress.
Eric was with me for six months then with a cone around his neck so that he would not bleed to death. In spite of all of his misery he ate very well and he even played with the other dogs. He was such a special little guy loved by everyone who came across him. All the vets who treated him fell in love with him. What a horrific situation for this little guy whose quality of life was just not good.
Finally,the President of our rescue group came to my house to talk about Eric.She wanted me to allow Eric to be eutahnized. Words cannot describe my heart when I heard those words. I lost it. I cried so much and I wanted to die in his place. But reality and the fact that our hearts are always larger than our resources. I agreed.
But fate said no. When she took the little boy to the vet to put him down.The vet who happened to be a lady said no. That we should put Eric on a new road and try holistic medicine as well as western.
Again he came back to me.I started him on all of his medicine and had to literally track down the kind of food he must eat.(very expensive) I was determined and I did find it and day by day his hair started to grow back.
But there was still that problem with his ear. Not a small problem.
His ear was full of clusters and the vet said those must be removed so we paid another $700.00.
Back again to my home but suddenly we found someone who wanted to adopt him. A forever home for this deserving little boy. Still something is in the path and that is, another surgury which is to be done by a certified surgeon which will cost $3000.00 that we do not have.
Eric has been thru so much hell and finally he has a home and we just cannot let him down now.He deserves a life of love and without pain. Could you please give us a hand? Even the smallest amount will help and it is tax deductible. The pay pal button is at the end of this article. God bless you and thank you. Vera T.(from California)
Friday, 4 June 2010
Suryia the Orangutan and Roscoe the Dog - Friends at First Sight
Remember something.Orangutans can pull off your head if they so desire!LOL!!
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
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- Bubbles and M. Jackson's sister.
- No words needed here except for these: GOD BLESS T...
- My Beloved Eric (from the heart of his most faithf...
- Suryia the Orangutan and Roscoe the Dog - Friends ...