Domestic tabby in SC adopts abandoned bobcats
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- In just a few months, three baby bobcats found in South Carolina could be a danger to a gray tabby named Zoe. But these days, the fuzzy felines are just members of the family for the nursing mother. The bobcats, orphaned after the abandoned house they were living under in Newberry County was demolished, are being nursed by Zoe at Carolina Wildlife Care near the Saluda River a few miles northwest of downtown Columbia.
The nursing is expected to last about four weeks and is intended to give the bobcats a feline on which to imprint, said Joanna Weitzel, executive director of the wildlife rescue group. "It's important they get that nurturing and care from a species similar to their own."
After five weeks, though, their razor-sharp teeth and claws could hurt Zoe and Zoe's kittens - an orange tabby and a calico that now dwarf the three bobcats in their kennel. The bobcats
are expected to grow over the coming months to the size of large dogs - about 22 inches tall and up to 70 pounds - while their adoptive siblings will likely max out around 10 pounds.