Wednesday 30 March 2011


PETA, the worst thing that ever happened to animals wants to change the bible. PETA,who supports Michael Vic's desire to own another dog. PETA who collects money that should be sent to local Animal Rescues who really are doing something for animals. But the biggest question is this: PETA...if you want to change the bible, how come you don't want to change the Koran? about the most inhumane animal abuse of all...the EID HOLIDAY..where small children laugh with glee with blood on their hands as they slice the throats of what once was their pets....too much for you PETA? Stick to what you do best. Prosecuting little old ladies with too many cats. Disgusting.
The video below contains the story people. The photos below the video tells more. Need there more be said. PETA HYPOCRITES...when Christians start doing can complain but that is not it, is it? People please contribute to your local animal rescues....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is in the video and pictures is so crazy I don't care what them poor poor things did to deserve it, but just because this is so unbelievably dumb doesn't mean People Eating Tasty Animals spin doctor Ingrid "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy" Newkirk (or Ingrid Evil "Nazijerk", if you prefer) is sane!
People Eating Tasty Animals: Stupid rotten bullies for animals since 1980
