Friday 7 May 2010


Here is but one story.A bittersweet story.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Cathy Moreland was in Dallas when her Pennington Bend home was submerged to the gutters over the weekend. Her only thought was for her animals to be saved.

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Her brother, Judge Casey Moreland, and her son, Casey Weaver, made a desperate attempt: They got a dog out first, and then on to the six horses. Three horses were saved, two died and one was missing. Casey Moreland and Casey Weaver battled off snake after snake in the pitch-black, chest-high water.

Then, an old high school friend called Cathy Moreland and said she thought she saw her horse on Channel 4, but nowhere near her house.

"I didn't want to get my hopes up because that was way too far," said Cathy Moreland. "Fourteen miles, I mean, that is a long way for a horse ... There's no way that that could be my horse."

But 14 miles away, there was Cole -- a few cuts scrapes and bruises, but otherwise healthy as a horse.

"I can't even describe it. I just sat there, just shaking," Cathy Moreland said.

She boated out, waded out and took Cole to safety.

"I hate about the ones that we did lose, but I'm thrilled at what we do have," she said.

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